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'Rapturised' by our South Wilts Falconry Display

This week we were totally in awe of some incredible Raptors that came to visit us and fly at Farleigh. ...

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Year 5 Attend Cheltenham College Leadership Day

This week, a group of Year 5s were delighted to attend the annual Leadership Challenge at Cheltenham College. The children ...

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3rd Place at the National Junior Schools Polo Championships

Match Report Farleigh entered a team into the National Junior Schools Outdoor Polo Championships, alongside 10 other prep schools and ...

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Year 2 at Windsor Castle

Wow! What an amazing day Year 2 had at Windsor Castle. Our well-timed trip perfectly developed the growing excitement of ...

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Farleigh Goes Red, White & Blue for our New King & Queen

The children (and staff) were in high spirits on Friday, as everyone dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate ...

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Fit for a King! Pre-Prep Prepares for the Coronation

The whole of Pre-Prep have been absorbed in creating an atmosphere fit for a King this week. The classrooms have ...

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