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What a fantastic afternoon of cricket we had on Wednesday afternoon. The sun was shining, the pitches looked immaculate, and ...

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Icknield & Farleigh - A Precious Bond

It was wonderful to welcome Icknield School back to Farleigh last week, after two years of the children being unable ...

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Let’s Protect our Environment & Earth

Pre-Prep has been a hive of activity during their new ‘Environment and Earth’ project days, as the children explored the ...

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A Fantastic Time with Kids On Track

One of the charities dearest to our hearts at Farleigh is undoubtedly the life changing and local Kids on Track. ...

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House Matches Delight

House matches on the last full day of term were a delight! It was a beautiful, sunny spring afternoon and ...

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Financial Education Day

Year 5 pupils got to grips with money matters in the lead-up to the holidays, in their annual Financial Education ...

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