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Past Pupils make their mark

What a weekend of sporting achievement it was for past pupils, Rory Jennings (2009 leaver), his friend and former teammate ...

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Full-Fat Boarding Fun

This week saw an action-packed Boarders’ Dinner Night and Full Boarding Weekend, full of delicious food and fun for over ...

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Farleigh's Great Expectations

Our first day back from half-term kicked off with form time for all pupils in Years 3-8. The form takers ...

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Girls STEAM Ahead

‘Girls on Track UK’, formerly ‘Dare to be Different’, is an initiative managed by Motorsport UK, which aims to inspire, ...

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Pre-Prep welcome in the Harvest

For our annual Harvest Festival, Farleigh’s youngest pupils took to the stage for the first time since December 2019. This ...

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A Celebration of Music at Wellington College

It’s the middle of the afternoon and the full orchestra of over 100 prep school musicians has just assembled for ...

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