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Mellie's father charges to the line, as captain of the Dutch rugby team 15 aside and 7 aside.

Who Do You Think You Are?

I set my form, 4D, the challenge of finding out about one interesting family member to share with the class. ...

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Type-Tastic Times

Farleigh pupils have been using an online touch typing tutor for the past three years during Farleigh Typing Club. As ...

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Stunning flower VE lettering by Alexandra, Year 6, and William, Year 4

VE Day 75 Remembered

VE Day 75 was no normal Bank Holiday and, along with the rest of the country, Farleigh adjusted its plans ...

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Rollo's Easter Garden

Farleigh At Home gets busy

Take a look at some of the fantastic work done by pupils remotely. We love to see how conscientious you ...

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Isla's NHS Scrubs for local doctors

Well done, Isla, a Farleigh pupil who has helped make five sets of scrub tops and bottoms for NHS doctors following a ...

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Year 5 Drama

This half of term, Year 5's remote Drama lessons challenge the pupils to explore theatre production, including costumes, set and ...

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