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The Aztecs come to Farleigh

Last Friday, the ancient Aztec civilisation was recreated for Year 5 in Farleigh's own Theatre. There were flames, feathered headdresses ...

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St Cecilia's Carnival Concert

It might be darkest November, but inside Farleigh's Sports Hall last week it was carnival time! One of the biggest musical ...

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E-Buddies visit local Care Homes

Last Friday, 5K started off this year’s class visits to local care homes with a visit to Winton House Care ...

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Into Space with Jupited

Our Growing Together Week took a turn for the aeronautical (and even astronautical) as we reached for the stars with ...

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We are Growing Together!

Our Growing Together week was a huge success, with all age groups coming together, including the staff, to celebrate ...

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Top Sporting Spirit

The Rory McDonagh Cup, held annually in memory of former Farleigh pupil, Rory, was a fantastic afternoon of senior boys’ ...

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