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Vive la différence!

Brexit may have been keeping the country on its toes, but it certainly didn’t stop us in our tracks! Roz ...

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Howzat for Starters?

The cricket season started in fine style this week with 15 fixtures taking place on Wednesday afternoon; the boys' and girls' ...

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Tennis Takes Off

It has been a busy week on the tennis courts with the Year 8s playing their first matches of the ...

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Bonjour from la belle France

Les Sixièmes have arrived safely in France after a particularly pleasant crossing over la Manche. The entertainment on board included ...

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Downhill all the way!

Our skiers returned from another successful ski trip to the beautiful mountains of Serre Chevalier in France. We started the week ...

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Pre-Prep's Dragon Days

Congratulations to all the children in the Pre-Prep and Kindergarten on their performance of Dragon Days. As they resolved the ...

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