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St Cecilia's Swinging Sixties

St Cecilia's Swinging Sixties

Back at the beginning of the Autumn Term, Farleigh’s music staff were given ‘The Swinging ‘60s’ as the theme for ...

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Ending on a High!

The U10A netball team ended their season on a high, finishing 4th/18 schools at the PGS Netball Tournament last week. ...

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Marvellous Masquerade Masks

Sequins, paint, coloured card and glitter were everywhere at the Masquerade Dinner Night on Thursday. Previous evenings in the Boarding ...

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Goals Galore!

On a damp and cold autumn afternoon, the chill in the air was broken by the enthusiastic and patriotic cries ...

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'Two's Company'

Playing together is what music is all about, so 'Two's Company', an Evening of Duets, was an excellent opportunity for ...

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Prized Poetry

After a whole school assembly where performance poet Paul Cookson entertained the audience with his fabulous poems, quick wit and ...

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