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Sunny Skiing and 'Snoocing'

During the first week of the Easter holidays, 26 children from Years 7 and 8 headed off to the slopes of ...

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St Andrew's Past and Present

As part of our rolling programme of boarding house refurbishment, St Andrew's has had a makeover this holiday. The Junior ...

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The U12A unbeaten in 45 matches rugby team

Spring Term Sporting Success

It has been a term of firsts and a term of records. As well as the U13A netball team winning ...

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Spring Fling and Bouncing Boarders

The whole prep school (330+) rejoiced in the chance to dress up 'Out of this World', put on their dancing ...

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National Netball Silver Medallists

Congratulations to Miss Smith and the U13A Netball team who were crowned runners up at the IAPS National Netball Finals ...

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House Cross Country

The weather was kind and as the sun emerged so did the runners - a spectacle of red, green, blue ...

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