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A Sporting September

As the summer draws to a close and the weather starts to misbehave, Farleigh footballers have been busy with their ...

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Charity Pianothon 2023

THANK YOU to all the brave Farleigh piano pupils, their parents, former pupils, grandparents, teachers and supporters, as well as ...

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Vive les langues à Farleigh

Happy European Day of Languages! Our French and Spanish teachers – as well as other linguists in the school - are ...

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Best Buddies!

Great excitement filled the school as the entire school, from Reception to Year 8, met up for this year's Collective ...

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A Dramatic Result

One hundred and ninety-three pupils took LAMDA Acting, and Verse & Prose examinations in the past year, of which 115 ...

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Senior Boarding Makeover

Senior Boys' Boarding has had a makeover! And the boys who have benefited are of course delighted. Having modernised the ...

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