Latest News

Glorious Mud!

Year 8 have spent a wonderful week investigating the human impact on the beautiful environment of South Devon. The weather ...

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Literary Visitors

We welcomed two literary visitors this week who met children from the Pre-Prep through to Year 6, entertaining and inspiring them ...

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Debating Success

On a sunny, Sunday October morning the Farleigh Debating Team (pupils from Years 7 and 8) arrived at Marlborough College... ...

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Feast Day Celebrations

A cold, blustery October eve. But only outside. Within, boarders, staff and guests were warming within the atmosphere that is ...

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Winners at West Hill Park

Emma Hopkins, U11 coach recounts the success of the U11A team at West Hill Park on Wednesday. The U11A team ...

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Friendship across the Years

The spirit of Farleigh was truly in evidence last Thursday as children from Reception to Year 8 took part in ...

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