Latest News

Sports Update

Three weeks in and Graeme Ellison, Director of Sport, says, "there is a real buzz out on the sports pitches, ...

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The Outdoor Classroom

The Outdoor Classroom, which has evolved and developed significantly over the past year, was a hive of activity at biscuit ...

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Busy Boarders

We are already into our second week of the new academic year and the boarders have been spending time catching ...

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Music School, September 2016

Summer Developments

Farleigh has been busy over the summer holiday with significant projects undertaken involving maintenance to the grounds and the buildings. ...

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A Fond Farewell to Farleigh Life

The Year 8 Leavers' Recital and drinks party for their parents is both an emotional and entertaining event, as we ...

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Sports Day Storms and Cakes Galore

In true Farleigh spirit, Sports Day went ahead despite threatening skies. First thing on Saturday morning, parents set up gazebos ...

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